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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi


Mung’aro Supports GBV Training

The steering committee of the Kenya-Finland Bilateral Programme has visited Kilifi County, along with Samburu and Bungoma, to learn from their strategies for preventing and responding to GBV. The program’s goal is to strengthen systems at both the national and county levels in order to protect vulnerable individuals from GBV and harmful practices in our communities.
Governor Gideon Maitha Mung’aro has shown full support for integrating structures and services within the Department under his administration. This has created a strong foundation for resolving GBV cases, addressing distress, responding to mental health challenges, and improving service delivery for the benefit of Kilifi communities. This commitment was evident during a recent networking dinner.
It is worth noting that the program has successfully trained a total of 78 mediators and 195 counselors, strategically located in each ward. These trained professionals have the necessary tools to assist duty bearers in various sectors, including police, health, gender, social services, judiciary, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), probation, and children’s officers. They are trained to identify, monitor, and effectively address instances of GBV.
The event was attended by The First Lady H.E Susanne Mung’aro, H.E the Deputy Governor Flora Mbetsa Chibule, Hon. Anu Ala-Rantala, Head of Development Corporation at the Embassy of Finland, Mr. Samuel Muinde, Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) of Kilifi North Sub-County, CECM and Chief Officer Dr. Ruth Dama Masha, Ms Agnetta Karembo, Director of Gender and Youth, Mr. Cyrillus Mwangome from Kilifi Department of Gender, Culture and Social Services, representative from the State Department for Gender and affirmative action Mr. Josphat Ireri, and Director Georgina Dulu, among other stakeholders.
Editor Profile

February 6, 2024

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