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Kilifi County Government
Karibu Kilifi


IWD in Jaribuni & Mariakani

Mariakani and Jaribuni wards exuded a sense of inclusivity as the community united to pave the way for the forthcoming International Women’s Day (IWD) celebrations on 8 March. Embracing the empowering theme “Count Her In, Invest in Women, and Accelerate Progress,” these preliminary events served as a beacon of hope and action for gender equality. Bringing together a diverse range of community members, women leaders, and representatives from civil society, these gatherings aimed not only to commemorate achievements but also to address the obstacles impeding women’s advancement as change agents.
During these impactful gatherings, esteemed guests underscored the significance of establishing Savings and Credit Cooperative Organizations (SACCOs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) as avenues for accessing vital resources such as the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) and the Wezesha Fund. Additionally, they fervently tackled critical issues such as mental health challenges, gender-based violence (GBV), early pregnancies, and the exploitation of youth, emphasizing the imperative for collective action and solidarity among women.
The presence of distinguished guests further enhanced the importance of these events. In Mariakani ward, the Deputy Governor Hon. Flora Mbetsa Chibule, CEC Dr. Ruth Dama, MCA Hon. Martha Kokie Musyoki, and Director of Gender and Youth Affairs Mr. Mwangome Shumaa graced the occasion with their insights and backing. Meanwhile, in Jaribuni, Chief Officer Ms. Agnetta Karembo, MCA Hon. Peter Shehe, and other esteemed community leaders lent their voices to the cause, amplifying the message of inclusivity and empowerment.
Through these preliminary activities, Mariakani and Jaribuni wards laid the foundation for a transformative International Women’s Day celebration, sparking a spirit of unity, resilience, and unwavering dedication to gender equality that will resonate far beyond the boundaries of their communities.
Editor Profile

March 7, 2024

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