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She Stands Kenya Summit

Today, I officiated the opening of the She Stands Kenya Summit at the Kilifi Convention Center. This important event, spearheaded by Jumuiya Ya Kaunti Za Pwani – JKP, brought together 300 inspiring women from across our coastal counties.
She Stands Kenya, a faith-based organization, is dedicated to empowering women holistically—spiritually, mentally, in business, and within their families. I am confident that the impact of this summit will resonate far beyond today, fostering strength and resilience among our women for years to come.
I extend my heartfelt gratitude to She Stands Kenya for their unwavering commitment to uplifting women, starting with those in the six coastal Counties.
Notable attendees included, Hon Christine Saru Kilalo, Deputy Governor Taita Taveta County, Emmanuel Nzai, CEO of Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani; CECM Dr. Ruth Dama Masha (Kilifi Department of Youth Affairs and Sports ); Chief Officer Agnetor Karembo( Kilifi Department of Gender, Culture and Social Services ); Dr. Chao Tsuma of She Stands Kenya; Mashirima Kapombe of Citizen TV Kenya; and Kanze Dena Mararo, CBS, EBS .
Editor Profile

August 9, 2024

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